Child and Youth Protection
(Click here for the rest of the playlist in this series)
If you interact with youth in any of our church programs (Altar, JOY, HOPE, GOYA, HDT, Angel Choir, Nursery, Sunday School, Greek School, ACA Preschool, etc.) please send an email to our Youth Protection Organizer.
You will need to be registered and trained according to the Youth Protection Act.
You must be 18 or older to coach and 21 or over to chaperone.
Please send your Legal name, email, address, phone number and a list of organizations involved with to our parish's Youth Organizer.
Thank You.
A “Youth Ministry Program or Event” is any ministry, program, or event of GOARCH that is for the main benefit of Children and Youth. This includes all National youth ministries, programs, events, and camping ministry as well as any youth ministry, program, event or camping ministry of the Metropolises of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. In addition, Youth Ministry Program or Events include the ministries, programs, events, and camping ministry for the main benefit of Children and Youth of any parish of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
“Youth Work Support Staff” are persons who are not Youth Workers yet who assist in some of the non-ministry maintenance and preparation tasks necessary for the proper functioning of a Youth Ministry Program or Event. Examples include kitchen staff who are regularly on the Premises during a Youth Ministry Program or Event to prepare and serve food, and cleaning staff who are regularly on the Premises during a Youth Ministry Program or Event to maintain the cleanliness of the Premises.
A “Youth Worker” is any person, whether clergy or laity (including monastics), and whether paid or volunteer, who has successfully satisfied the required registration, training, and screening further detailed in Part Four, Section 1(C) of these Policies and is thus eligible to assist in any Youth Ministry Program or Event of the GOARCH.
This includes, but is not limited to, all chaplains, camp counselors, Sunday School teachers, athletic coaches, dance instructors, chaperones, program or activity coordinators/directors, or other persons who take part in Youth Ministry Programs or Events. It also includes individuals in leadership positions who have significant off-site involvement in the establishment or direction of a Youth Ministry Program or Event (e.g., National Director or Metropolis Director).
To be perfectly clear, the definition of “Youth Worker” includes (i) all clergy of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America: deacons, presbyters, and bishops, regardless of seniority or rank; and (ii) all monastic, regardless of seniority or rank.
The definition of “Youth Worker” does not include Parents or other visitors who interact with the Youth Ministry Program or Event for a short period of time (e.g., picking up or dropping off Children or Youth; attending an introductory session, parent visitor day, or a closing ceremony at which most participants are present; etc.).
Click here for the Metropolis of Atlanta's Rules on the Youth Protection Act