Sanctuary Improvements
For many years the Sanctuary Improvements and Iconography Committee has been making plans to provide much needed improvements to our sanctuary including a new ceiling and improving the iconography. Please stay tuned for more updates on these beautiful improvements.
- Halos around the Saints on existing Iconastasio (icon screen). This would add halos to the existing icons, bringing them in line with other icons around the church, as well as repair damage to icons
- Icons on the left and right side walls, all columns will have a Byzantine design peice added to the bottom of the columns.
- On the blank area on the left and right walls next to the Iconastasio (Icon screen), St. Peter and St. Paul opposite of each other.
- On the two blank spaces in the rear, under the choir loft, at the left and right glass doors, St. Romanos and St. Kassiani (church hymnographers) will be added to complete the wall.
- On the wall over the narthex, below the choir loft, medallions of three male and three female saints (newer saints). Also in the center, the icon of the Second Coming over the double glass doors.