Adult Education

Adult education is offered through weekly discussion groups for people of all ages and from walks of life. Opportunities for more intimate small group fellowship are offered through Golden Years, Warm-Up America, and the various parish and outreach service projects throughout the year. Please check the calendar for upcoming events.

CLICK HERE for the calendar


Adult Sunday School

During the months of August through June an Adult Sunday School is offed during Matins (Orthros) on Sundays. The class is taught by the brilliant Theodore (Teddy) Pritsis, our local seminarian and graduate from Hellenic College Holy Cross in Boston, MA. Through out the course he covers many topics from the Holy Fathers to the Divine Liturgy and so much more. Is is truly and inspiration to hear his stories and wealth of knowledge.

Adult Discussion

In this the 20th year of uninterrupted learning and sharing the adult discussion group continues its tradition of reading and discussing the word of God. This group is open to all interested persons. 

Men's Discussion Group

The men's group began meeting in November 2005 and quickly gathered a core following of men searching to deepen their faith through Bible study and spiritual discussion. 

Parent's Discussion Group


Mother's Discussion Group


Inquirers Course

Classes are offered periodically to inform and instruct persons who seek an introduction to the teaching of Orthodoxy. Call the Church office to ask about the next class forming. 

To learn more about Orthodox Christianity call or email one of our Priests, who can answer all your questions about Orthodoxy and its rich tradition and wisdom.