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Annunciation Blog

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“We knew not whether we were in heaven or earth…."

Eleven centuries ago, Prince Vladimir of Kiev decided to send his emissaries to the four corners of the world in order to learn more about the religions and faiths of various countries. He wanted to make sure that he would find the One True Faith for his country. In the year 988, his emissaries visited Hagia Sophia ("Church of the Wisdom of God ") in Constantinople. Upon their return, they reported to Prince Vladimir that during the Divine Liturgy—the most important Sacrament and Worship Service of the Eastern Orthodox Church— “we did not know whether we were in heaven or earth"! The continuation is part of the history: Russia became Orthodox. The same thing happened to the rest of the Orthodox Churches; they received their Autocephaly from the Mother Church, i.e. the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.   

As Greek Orthodox Christians, we are under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and of course under the Omophorion of our beloved Spiritual Father and Leader, His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta.

We are truly privileged to fully participate in every Divine Liturgy in the same one, ancient, unchanged, uninterrupted, mystical Worship that we received from our Lord, Jesus Christ and the Holy Apostles. This is especially felt on Sundays when we celebrate the Holy Resurrection of our Lord and Savior God, Jesus Christ. We wholeheartedly invite you to “come and see”, and empirically experience the inexpressible beauty and majesty of the Orthodox Christian Worship.

Please come forward to accept a peace offering of blessed bread (Antidoron) from our Clergy at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Afterwards, you are more than welcome to join us during our Fellowship Hour, to partake of our well-known hospitality, along with a cup of coffee...and a pastry (we are known for those, too)!  


Our Church Family

We are the spiritual home to approximately 400 families from a variety of backgrounds, the largest percentage being of Greek ethnic descent. Our growing Church family includes immigrants and descendants from virtually every historical Orthodox Christian country, including Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbians, Romanians, Middle Easterners, and others—and a growing number of those from non-Orthodox Christian backgrounds who have “come home,” embracing the Orthodox Faith as converts. What first formed as an immigrant oasis has grown into a uniquely American community, full of different “flavors and spices,” and continues to grow and flourish.


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Learn About Orthodoxy

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Online Chapel

Tuesday of the 5th Week

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